Monday, October 8, 2012


I am a sucker for babies. This is just the reality of life now, but it hasnt always been this way. I can remember when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter being scared to death. Babies always cried around me (true story). Was my own child going to cry 24/7?
As people say, and is true, things change when you have your own. Then by the time grandkids come along, give it up!
This is where I am now. A grandmother.  I turn to complete mush around babies and small children. And, in turn, often puppies and kittens and other cute things.
A dear friend and co-worker of mine had a baby yesterday. Much to everyones dismay, he wasnt breathing well on his own and had to be air lifted to Jackson. Things are touch and go today. 50/50 chance the doctors say.
Baby Ethan was born at 36 weeks, same as my grandson Lane. And although Ethan was almost twice Lane's birth weight, he is the one who is having all of the problems. Isn't life a very strange thing?
I want to cry for Ethan's parents. I cannot imagine the pain and worry for them at this time. I am trying to stay in prayer and can hardly wait to get home and hug and kiss our Lane.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Holidays and Hobbies

Anyone who knows me very well, knows that I am not terribly creative or crafty. This being said, I have decided that I want to do all sorts of creative and crafty things for the up coming holiday season.
I have already made a small fall wreath for my front door. Which, by the way, I discovered yesterday is way too small and came barely even be noticed from the road.
I have also started a quilt for my grandson. Relax, it's not a big complex pieced together kind of thing. I am quilting a solid fabric. It is very cute with space ships and planets all over it. Did I mention I am quilting by hand? I knew that if there was any hope of Lane getting the quilt for Christmas this year, I had better start early. Did I also mention that I am basically making up the quilt pattern as I go?
If nothing else, Lane can keep this quilt until he is grown with children of his own so he can show them, with a giggle, how non-crafty Gigi is!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This is my first blog ever. I am very excited about this. Kind of like an online diary to the world!
I always have so many random things on my mind. It will be nice to have a venue to air them.

I was thinking as I drove to work, both yesterday and today, that it might be nice to move to a large city where public transit is the norm. I encounter way too many idiot drivers on my half hour commute each day.
Seriously, when pulling out onto a 4-lane highway, why does the idiot driver pull into the lane containing a car going 65-70 mph instead of the other lane which is empty?
Why does the idiot driver either turn on the turn signal a mile before their turn or not at all?
All of these things and so many more, make a subway, train and/or bus sound so good!