Friday, September 14, 2012

Holidays and Hobbies

Anyone who knows me very well, knows that I am not terribly creative or crafty. This being said, I have decided that I want to do all sorts of creative and crafty things for the up coming holiday season.
I have already made a small fall wreath for my front door. Which, by the way, I discovered yesterday is way too small and came barely even be noticed from the road.
I have also started a quilt for my grandson. Relax, it's not a big complex pieced together kind of thing. I am quilting a solid fabric. It is very cute with space ships and planets all over it. Did I mention I am quilting by hand? I knew that if there was any hope of Lane getting the quilt for Christmas this year, I had better start early. Did I also mention that I am basically making up the quilt pattern as I go?
If nothing else, Lane can keep this quilt until he is grown with children of his own so he can show them, with a giggle, how non-crafty Gigi is!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

This is my first blog ever. I am very excited about this. Kind of like an online diary to the world!
I always have so many random things on my mind. It will be nice to have a venue to air them.

I was thinking as I drove to work, both yesterday and today, that it might be nice to move to a large city where public transit is the norm. I encounter way too many idiot drivers on my half hour commute each day.
Seriously, when pulling out onto a 4-lane highway, why does the idiot driver pull into the lane containing a car going 65-70 mph instead of the other lane which is empty?
Why does the idiot driver either turn on the turn signal a mile before their turn or not at all?
All of these things and so many more, make a subway, train and/or bus sound so good!