Monday, September 16, 2013

Little Dresses of Love

This past Saturday I gathered with a group of women at Highland Baptist Church in Meridian to sew dresses for little girls in other countries. These dresses will be sent with a mission group in 2014.
I have a friend, Beth Follin, who has been sewing these dresses for years and I was thrilled to be able to join in this year. I don't do a lot of sewing and would have been very slow on my own but Beth and I teamed up. She cut and pinned the dresses and I sewed.
Not everyone who came even sews. There were women who came to help with pressing and even just to bring snacks and make sure no one ever was in need of a cold drink or coffee!
I really hope to be able to go on one of the mission trips in the future. We also watched a slide show from the 2013 trip and it was wonderful.
I feel so blessed to be able to help bring smiles to the faces of those darling little girls.

Friday, September 13, 2013

My Friday 5

Wow, what a week!

Monday - My daughter had to have a root canal at Watermark Endodonics. Let me tell you about my daughter and dental work, they do not go well together. Bless her heart, she gets so anxious that the numbing medication wears off within minutes. Dr. Moore pre-medicated her with valium to help ease her nerves. Thankfully, the procedure went very well. And, I cannot brag enough about Dr. Moore and his staff. They get two thumbs up in my book!

Tuesday - My grandson, Lane, got tubes put in both ears. We were worried about the issue of not being able to eat or drink after midnight the night before. Lane normally gets up in the morning asking for something to drink. I think it threw him off that we got up so early (to be at Rush at 6). Anyway, Lane did great! He was really funny after the nurse gave him Lortab elixir to calm him because it had the opposite effect. He was literally bouncing off of me. And for some reason, in his Lortab high, he decided it was also a neat thing to lick me. (kinda gross) He would lick my face, my shirt, didn't matter to him.

Wednesday - Back to work I went. It was not a great day at work. I can't even pinpoint why, but it seemed as though everyone I work directly with was in a not so great mood and we all butted heads all day.
After work life got better. I picked up Lane as usual. He attends Highland Baptist CDC and we also go to church at Highland. So, he and I stayed for Wednesday night supper and church. Lane really likes church! I decided to join the choir and Wednesday was my first choir rehearsal at Highland. I sang in the choir in times past, but it has been a while. I was just like going home!

Thursday - I don't think there was much of anything news worthy yesterday. I went to work then I went home. It was nice efter a hectic start to the week and not a lot of sleep to have an early night.

Friday - Ahhh....Friday! It is a very lovely day. Not much going on at work so I have had time to do some much needed cleaning in my office. Pretty sure house keeping is not going to love all of the bags of garbage I have come up with. (Sorry!!)
I think this evening I will try to finish up a quilt I started for Lane a long time ago. I started it by hand but obviously if I want to finish it before he is grown, I need to machine sew the rest.

Hope everyone has a marvelous weekend!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Time is flying!

This year has really flown by! I knew it in the back of my head but last night we got a rehearsal list for the singing Christmas Tree at Highland Baptist. That makes it real! Life is about to get even more crazy and busy than it already is. In fact, I sat here first thing this morning and put every rehearsal and family event on my desk calendar then typed and printed out all of the same info on a calendar to put on the fridge at home. With that said, I am SO excited! I love fall and all of the excitement of the holiday season. I am ready to decorate my house and cook/bake lots of comfort foods. I am starting to “window” Christmas shop. I actually started on my holiday gifts for co-workers this past weekend. I think I am going to give as many home crafted gifts as possible this year. Yay! The more I think about it, the more giddy I am! What is your favorite holiday tradition?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Grandparents Day

Today was Grandparents day at Lane’s daycare. I have to admit I was apprehensive about going to the program because I wasn’t sure if it would upset him too much for me to be there mid-morning, but I am so glad I did. In fact, when I got there he started crying happy tears because he was worried I wasn’t coming. That just almost broke my heart!
The teachers went threw the kids normal routine for us. The kids sang a few songs. It was all very sweet. Then the children gave all of the grandparents “happies” they had made for us.
The school had a plan for those of us who had to make a slick get away to go back to work or whatever. The kids where given snacks and distracted so we could leave with out a melt down.
Thank you Highland Baptist CDC for thoroughly making my morning!