Friday, August 2, 2013

Getting to know you (link up)

Today I am going to do a link up with Mississippi Women Bloggers called...Getting to know you. I love the idea of this. I have several favorites that I follow and feel like I know the writers, but dont know so many of the details about them. So, here I go! 1. What part of Mississippi are you from? - I am not originally from Mississippi. I was born and raised in Oklahoma and came to MS in 1993 at the age of 21. I was stationed at NAS Meridian while in the Navy. I had a baby and got married about a year and a half after moving here. I got out of the military after my time here was up and decided to stay. 2. How long have you been blogging? - I am a newby blogger. I think it has been less than a year but not certian how long. 3. Why did you start blogging? - Even though I am a fairly introverted person, I usually have something I want to talk about or share. Blogging is perfect! I can tell an unlimited amount of people about what is happening in my life. 4. What can we expect when reading your blog? - The best thing I can tell you is to expect a "regular" person talking about everyday kinds of things. I know a lot of people who have some sort of theme or favorite thing to blog about but I am just random. 5. What does your blog title mean? - Refer to #4. I just like to share my day to day. 6. What do you love about being part of Mississippi Women Bloggers? - I love the idea of having a blogging community that is close to me and can really relate to what is going on in the area. The same is true for what I get to read from the other members. 7. Who inspires you to blog? - The first blogger I really started reading is Joy Henson Sowell (The Sowell Life). I used to always look forward to seeing her put a link on Twitter about a new blog. She inspired me to just share my life experiences both joys and sorrows. 8. What is your favorite blog of the past year? - Wow, this is a hard one. I'm not sure if I have a favorite, I did really like the blog I wrote about Potholes in Life. It came to me while driving to work and I could hardly wait to put it in black and white. 9. Do your real life friends know you blog? What do they think about it? - A good many of my friends do. I put links for many of my blogs on Twitter and Facebook. One of my good friends is completely clueless about why we blog. She has asked me "what do y'all write about?" on more than one occasion. It always makes me giggle. 10. What is your current blogging routine? - There is no routine! I blog when I have an inspiration and the time to sit down and type it. I would love to do a lot more and hopefully develope a routine in the future so it can happen.


  1. Well, when I typed this, it was better organized and spaced out. I have no idea what happened when I pushed the publish button!

  2. Great to meet another MS blogger!

  3. I'm happy you decided to blog. Sometimes the best way to get through a situation or express your thoughts is through writing. And the best part is you have this little space on the world wide web that allows you to do that!
