Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Brain overload....and it's just Wednesday!

As I was thinking about what to write today, I realized that my brain just kept jumping from idea to idea. Sudden onset ADHD? Probably not, but that still doesnt help me slow down and pick a thought or topic.
Maybe I will just blog about why my mind is all over the place.
I am planning on taking vacation in 2 weeks. I know that I am going to Chattanooga for at least a couple of days. My daughter and I are taking my grandson to the wonderful aquarium there, then they are heading further north to Pennsylvania to visit her dad. So, what else am I going to do while I am there and on the drive home?
I am taking a couple of classes this fall at MCC and am trying to make sure that I have all of my paperwork in, etc.
I am trying to make plans to go to Jamaica on a mission trip in the spring. Lots of paperwork involved in leaving the country!
Then, in the here and now, I am trying to remember what all I need from Wal-Mart, what my grandbaby and I are going to have for supper tonight, if I remembered to put the last load of laundry in the dryer, and hoping I didn't let the lawn mower run out of oil and mess up the motor. Sigh!
I'm sure the Route 44 diet DP I am drinking hasnt helped any but it makes me feel a little happier.

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